Archive for the ‘Bu Tootee’ Category

Rant: Develish Lurkers on Facebook!

OK explain this to me because i cannot seem to be finding an explanation…

My husband has a private profile on Facebook. All of his friends on Facebook are his MALE friends and family. Most of his of pictures and info are private. To the ones he shows his info he has MARRIED TO available on his profile. It is very clear he is NOT interested in meeting women.

Why then does he get one friend request after another from girls? Q8y girls, full names included, even though he doesn’t know them?

Why are some girls shameless? You send a friend request o a man who you don’t know… your friend request is REJECTED! Why do you keep coming back? why do you send him a private message on facebook?!?! What the hell do you want?

What on earth are wrong with girls?! Don’t you have any dignity? throwing your self at a man like that? what exactly do you think? By stalking a man he will cave in and what? Marry you? Can’t you find a more dignified way to bag your self a husband?

Esh yeswa 3leech inah we call up your father or your brother o we tell them gethbaw bentkom?! Oh yes it can happen… or you can find the wife at your door smiling at you sweetly then clutching a bunch of your hair with her fist and using it to pull your head around and bang it against the door… maybe that will knock some sense into you!

What would you do to rebell stalkers on facebook and KEEP them away?! Sometimes even women you don’t know want to be friends with other women ‘3asob 6eeb even if you don’t know them! Eshfehom il awadm?!



Things 2 Do in London: Häagen-Dazs

Right on the corner of Leicester Square, London, there stands a lovely red sign with a group of people queuing to go inside and be seated… That place is one of my favorite  spots to relax in the UK… it’s Häagen-Dazs Continue reading

30 Years Worth of Birthdays & Cakes!

With less than a week to my Big 3 Oh… I headed for my photo albums to see how i had celebrated my Birthday and what did i have for a cake on each and every one! My favourite so far is My first Birthday Cake shown above! It’s the most creative one… Date: July 1980, Kuwait, Grandma’s house. Big Bash apparently and i started walking on that day during my party 😀

2nd Birthday Continue reading

What weird food combinations work for you?!

I slave over the stove trying to make the perfect vermicille rice, i was craving a meal of vermicille rice and KDD low fat yoghurt… 2 hours later my rice is done, steaming and fluffy… Butoote asks if it’s ready and i say yes…

I then find the dish above… apparently my dear husband believes that adding green grapes to vermicille rice and topping it with yoghurt is the culinary delight (NOT)!!! Why would he do that WHY! He ruined my perfectly fine rice! He swears by this combination though there is no way on earth i would have it!

Would you try that combination? Do you have any weird food combinations that disgusts others but works perfectly for you?

Things 2 Do in London: A Stroll by The Thames & Big Ben!

Not every day is shopping day in London! Often on a lovely day or if the weather permits we like to take a stroll by the River Thames… The chill, the people watching, the history, the hubub, the landmarks, the excitement, and the street artists/performers/beggers gives my favorite London walk priority above all other activites… we usually go there by underground using the Westminister  Continue reading

Blast from the Past: Casio’s My Magic Diary!

I was rummaging through a drawer filled with junk when i found this little thing! I was confused for a moment trying to place it… then it hit me! That’s my Magic Diary!!!

If i am not mistaken it was back in 1993 when one day an ad appeared for this diary in the news papers… kids went berserk! I remember running to my parents and begging for Continue reading

Things to Do in London: Brunch, Lunch, & Dinner @ Giraffe!

I woke up this Sunday morning feeling hungry… and for a moment i wished from all my heart i could just put on my jacket and step out into the nearest Giraffe branch i could find… Continue reading

Things 2 Do in London: West Cornwall Pasties…

When you walk through Paddington Station… a flaky wholesome aroma hits your nostrils and beckons you over… you follow the smell and you find the source… they are the Pasties Continue reading

Things 2 Do in London: Kingsly Court & Candy Cakes

You want a candy cake… but you don’t want to walk all the way to Covent Garden? Head to Kingsly Court instead…

Kingsly court is accessible via Carnaby Street… it doesn’t look very promising from the outisde… but once you step inside you will find your self in the cutest shopping area ever! It’s all steel and greens and lights and Continue reading

Breakfast: Heart Shaped Eggs on Bread…

On Saturday we unearthed a heart shaped frying pan we bought years ago and never used. We thought why not? Lets try it and see how the eggs will turn out… Continue reading

Craving: Pret’s Lemon Cheesecake Pot!

I remember a few days ago, sitting outdoors, the sun is shining and the air is blowing sweetly on us to make us feel welcome. I had my beloved cheesecake in front of me, before i dug in i said i will take a picture to remember this moment… and now i am remembering it with all my heart ❤ Esp. remembering that damned bird who was eyeing me and my pot and my coffee and wanted to eat me!

Funny how in the land where no humans stare the birds seem to be staring at me all the time!

Anyhow… i dug in… creamy smooth and tangy cheese, sour sweet Continue reading

Breakfast @ More Cafe…

If there is one thing from Dubai that must be brought to Kuwait, that would be mOre cafe! The place is AMAZING! Modern, quirky, wholesome good food, spacious, buzzing, generous portions, super fast and friendly staff, amazing service, foreign crowd who keep to themselves and DO NOT stare or over dress, and so reasonably priced it’s almost too cheap!

What more can you ask for?! Let me show you what i mean… Continue reading

Breakfast @ The Lime Tree Cafe

After reading Ansam’s Lime Tree Cafe Breakfast post, i was a bit nostalgic so i decided to fetch my own lime tree breakfast pictures and share them in a post… if you have not been there already, you MUST! They have the BEST carrot cake… i mean it. We have never tasted anything like it before and it’s totally worth ruining your diet for…

So here goes… my breakfast was the Continue reading

Recipe: Cinnabon Pancakes!

I woke up Friday morning and i knew from the moment i opened my eyes that i wanted a Cinnabon for breakfst!

Laish y3ni? I ❤ cinnabon, yet i do not allow my self to have any! Considering the fact that i am no longer 25 and my metabolism is not like what it used to be and surely that amount of Butter and Dough will make me feel icky for the rest of the weekend…

Then it hit me. I want a doughy cinnamon drenched something with a white yummy frosting on Continue reading

Review: The New OSN Reciever… It Sucks!

My dear husband Butootee got all excited when he heard about the new OSN reciever thing. You give them a call and they bring you a brand new HD reciever that works without a card, free of charge. Your old card would render useless afterwards but you are supposed to be happy with your new reciever.

He was happy! He thought the new HD receiver would be like the Sky receiver we have in the UK, amazing receiver! So he called, against my wishes, the next day the reciever was there… and now he is sorry he called.

Why? Continue reading