15 Minutes Light Fusilli Pasta Recipe…

You just got out of work. You are hungry. You want to eat something that is home cooked that is both satisfying, healthy, and low in fat. You don’t want to order in something but you are too knackered to cook something? Then this is the recipe for you, if it qualifies as a recipe to start with…

You can make yourself a warm and delicious pasta with tomato sauce using the above four ingredients only. Even if your fridge is empty you can make this pasta in no time at all… what makes that possible is the little heavenly box of Heinz La Sauce Tomate

I was browsing TSC shelves once when i found the above La Sauce Tomate. I do not usually buy bottled or canned tomato sauce but my husband wanted to try it and i shrugged, thinking it would not be worse that KDD tomato paste right?

There is even a recipe for Penne Arabiata… since my French is too rusty i didn’t bother much with what’s writter… i think i saw the word Fraise (strawberry?)… must look up the missing pieces one day…

The box comes with a little plastic lid. You can use it several times for several meals -or once for a family meal of four-

All you need to do is boil up a litre of water -to save time-

Measure the pasta while the kettle boils. I used about 89g

Pour the boiling water into a pan… add the salt and the pasta and let it boil away for 10 minutes

Pour some of the of tomato sauce into another pan and warm a bit on low heat. The lovely thing about this short cut is that its full with flavour and tastes like something you have been slaving over the stove making for half an hour…

Drain the pasta and save a few tablespoons of the boiling water

Pour the pasta directly on top of the warm sauce and mix

Add the pasta water and a little pinch of oregano… and salt and pepper to your taste.

and right before serving just add a teeny tiny dash of good quality virgin olive oil for taste.

Ta Da! Pasta is done! All is left is the fork and some cheese or herbs or whatever…

I highly recommend this lovely box of Tomato Sauce! I have already gone back to TSC and got my self some more… the sauce is well made and tastes just right… you can use it for any tomato sauce based dish -pasta casserole soup- and you if you like pink pasta all u need to add is a bit of KDD’s liquid cream to the above and keep on a low heat! Or you can throw in some vegetables and half cooked pasta with the sauce into a baking dish and bake away… maybe even for Lasagna! Lasagna would be perfect with this sauce!

So when are you going to try it?

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25 responses to this post.

  1. Please more of these simple recipes .. waray cooking o 3afeesa in a couple of months >.<


    • Posted by danderma on October 4, 2010 at 5:46 PM

      El blog 3nd wayhik 3ad kilah simple recipes! My cousin studies abroad as well fa i guess i should post more for the both of you! Try cooking them before you go a7san lik so you would know how it tastes and let me know 🙂


  2. Yum yum yummm yummmmmmmmmyyyy infinity !!


  3. Posted by Smee on October 4, 2010 at 5:13 PM

    Yum! That looks so good! Sa7tein I’ll have to try it sometime 🙂
    By the way, the ingredients say “Melanger…. blah blah blah de basilic frais.” (That whole sentence pretty much means mix herbs into your sauce, recommended would be fresh basil) but frais means fresh. Fraise is strawberry, you were right, but when frais means fresh, so you know. Thats why they say Fraiches later, thats the plural form 🙂
    I live in Montreal and French is forced on me everyday.. haha I just HAD to comment. I couldn’t not!
    Next time you need some translation, you will know who to ask 😉


  4. Posted by om modhi on October 4, 2010 at 6:18 PM

    etshaaaaaaaaaaaaaweg bacher bajarebha 7ag el fu6oor 🙂 thanks ;D


  5. This looks sooo good!!! Bel3afia!


  6. you are a good photographer mashalla …looks like an ad!
    will look for that sauce 🙂


  7. the sauce doesn’t taste like ketchup?
    I saw heinz and i freaked out , i hate ketchup :/


    • Posted by danderma on October 5, 2010 at 10:27 AM

      Absolutely nothing to do with ketchup. Just the same company. Otherwise i would have used ketchup as a sauce a long time ago.


  8. You’re such a great cook AND a photographer .. Your husband is such a lucky fella 😉
    I think I’m gonna have pasta for lunch!

    Thank you for sharing!
    You’re my #1 cook :*


  9. Looks good. European ready made food (sauces, pastes, dressings) are unusually good compared to their American counterparts. Maybe because Europeans care more about the quality and taste of their food. In which TSC can I get this sauce? All of them? Thanks.


    • Posted by danderma on October 5, 2010 at 5:44 PM

      Yeah i noticed that i think because the European taste is harder to satisfy than the American taste. I bought mine from TSC Jabriya but you can call your nearest branch and ask? It’s in the canned food and tomato paste aisle…


  10. By Fraises perhaps you meant “tomates cerises”? That’s cherry tomatoes

    Or maybe “des feuilles de bailic frais”, which is fresh basil leaves


  11. عليكم بالف عافيه
    رحت شريت الصلصه وان شاء الله بطبق وصفتج قريب :>


    • Posted by danderma on October 20, 2010 at 2:16 PM

      الله يعافيك و الله يا بختي إذا عجبك التبربس مالي و بتطبقينها


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