Farewell “Rice” Restaurant… I will not be coming back!!!!


Do you remember my post about Rice?

The NEW place in Avenues? How good it was? How yummy it was?

Well… i take half of what i said back!–>

For my free day i went to Rice. I wanted to taste their 3aish bajela o shbent…

1:15 p.m. I am standing in a restaurant with almost empty tables. All of them have the tag “reserved” on them. No one is there. Apparently it’s my mistake not to make a reservation beforehand… so vulgar of me it was implied.

OK… they jot my name down a waiting list. We wait for about half an hour until a couple get up from a four seater which they split into two two seater tables.

10 minutes later, a group of four dart into a reserved table, until now all table are empty, the manager guy runs after them telling them it is reserved, a sweet word here and there… and BAM they sit down.

How fair is that?!?!?!??!

OK we order.

We order: 3aish bajela o shbent with  maraq sabzi, yoghurt, tabbola, cheese rolls and mushroom rolls.

Food is good. Though they need absorbant paper to put the rolls on between frying them and serving them to the customers. Also, Tahini dip DOES NOT GO with mushroom rolls which need more salt. How about some sundried tomato paste?

Why am i writing this then?!


No seriously. In the table next to us who sat 2 minutes after us were an old sweet 7ajeya lady & her daughter. They wait FOREVER for someone to take their order. She called over the Manager o gave him two words o he made someone take  her order…

My waiter spilled my coke on my table. Another waiter dropped his tray with a thundering BAM frightining us all.  Another waiter dropped his plates on the floor with a huge CRAAAAAAAASH at the feet of two other customers…

Zorba wella rice?!?!??!

Then we are done. We ask the waiter 3 TIMES that we want M7albiya… not kanafa. First time there we were given a choice.

and they totally forgot about us.

seriously… for like… mmm … 45 minutes.

Suddenly a tray with one m7lbiya and one kanafa appears, we are happy … and it goes to the table next to us who had barely finished their last bite of food…? By the way that table got their drinks after they almost finished their meal… the girl had to call the manager o tell him off AGAIN for the drinks to arrvie!!!!!

and we wait.. and wait… we are tired now. and cranky.

Butootee asks for the check. We do not want their sweets and tea. We want to go.

The table next to us finish their tea and dessert. and ask for the check.

Then we both wait. and wait.


We call them over. They pretend not to hear us.

Butootee seriously thinks of getting up & leaving without paying. Maybe that will attract their attention?!?!?

Then FINALLY one of them figures out that we did not get our desserts o we asked for the check. HE comes over and lets us know that “before the check u must try our sweets”…


and one measley kanafaya comes. with two cups for tea!!!!

Now the table next to us ordered one tray to share, they got one kanafa o one m7lbiya

We ordered one tray to share as well… Why then did we get two teas and one desserts ?!?!?!?!?!?

and it’s not like they have their desserts available to order… it comes with the tray!!! So what, am i supposed to watch Butootee eat it while i drink my tea?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

When my husband objects to the manager… he says i do not want kanafa, i want m7lbiya, they say sorry… it’s the chef’s choice… he chooses what suits ur food o ur tray!!!!

Ya salam!!!! Why doesnt he choose my tray for me 3yal beforehand?!?!?!? and Who is HE! James Martin? Gary Rhodes?!!!!

Plz plz plz lose that stupid attitude. It is just one measley kanafa o one lousy m7lbiyal. This communism attitude does not work any where on earth… fa shino hal 3ba6? ib kaifkom oho?! Who is happy about it tell me?!?!?!? Aside from ur over controlling chef??!??!?!?!??!

Yet my now very angry husband insists on the m7lbiya… 2 seconds later, one is SLAMMED into our table…

Bu tootee forbids me from eating the kanafa. Saying we are in a free country with a choice to eat what we want. We do not eat something that we do not want. I can identify with that!!!

Now the table next to us have been asking for their check the whole time.

Suddenly a plate of m7lbiya is placed infront of them… and she says “NO IM DONE I ALREADY WANT THE CHECK”

So we, comrades in misery, burst out laughing together…

When we were done she had already paid o waiting for her check change. We ask for the check.

O wait forever…

Then our check appears, Butootee pays by visa, the girl still did not get her change back.

When we got up, she says to me “3oqbalna” and i say to her “allah yefek 3oqkom insha2 allah”… yes thats how miserable we were…

& her sweet elderly 7ajjeya said something to me… but she was soooo soft spoken i did not get what she said w3liya…

& now … rice people…

Serisouly? Re-heated Pre-Prepared meals, lipton tea, man handling people to eat what u want them to eat for dessert, 10 waiters, 3 managers, few tables… and u cannot keep track of anybody’s needs?


Please remember that though ur food is truely good, it is overshadowed by ur impossibly bad attitude and service. It is not worth the pain and the waiting and the nerve burning we had today…

& you do not have an excuse. You are run by LENOTRE for crying out loud!!!

You should be ashamed of the level of unprofessionalism that you portray… i for one, maybe one of the first people in Q8 who hailed you as a good new place… will not… and i repeat… WILL NOT come back to u again…

and you know what else?

I wish Gordon Ramsay could pay you a visit… to scream at you until u get ur act right on track again… maybe then i will try you again!!!

23 responses to this post.

  1. Me and Nat passed by there around the same time but I had already had lunch at Johnny Rockets and was just passing by Rice to check out their menu. I guess I need to wait another month before going to try it..


  2. i was there 2day and refejaty said the will never come back , waayed kan za7ma o madree shfeehom and guess what our reservation was for 4 and guess what ??? they couldn`t get us the 4th chair walah thaleet wagfa 3laa ma ylgon le kersee hehe msakeen 7adhom looya


  3. ayshay!

    what the hell

    u n butootee are too nice

    law ana i would have told off everyone on staff

    you should call the company and make an official complaint!

    wain ga3deen

    en6er minhum!

    last week my cousin n i were there and they got us kanafa

    we told them we want fruit salad they took it oo got us two salads!


    ana enba6at chabdee!

    and who on earth makes reservation to a restaurant in a food court for crying out loud!


  4. 3ad i was gonna try the place a few days ago lma gelty its good =\

    chenny hawwant?!

    i hate places with bad service =\


  5. shno hal ma63am el thaim ;\
    ma swat 3laikm, lo maklen bel bait a7san


  6. waaai 7adah tenrfazt !
    You Should e-mail le notre or sumthin ‘ , seriously ya3ney !


  7. 3ad that restaurant was on top of my list of new places to try when i’m back cuz wayed kan emshawagnee your post and pics!

    seems like they need some serious restaurant management training.. or at least common sense!


  8. ma swat 3alaikom!

    law makleen 5obiz o jibin at home it would have been more enjoyable:P hehe


  9. lo ana minich chan ertkaabt jareema mo an6ir sa3a 3ashan one damn m7lbiya! just by reading tnarfazt!!


  10. Posted by eleventh.st on April 5, 2009 at 7:19 AM

    ooh that sucks! 3aad it looks like a place with potential!


  11. Posted by Daddy's Girl on April 5, 2009 at 8:52 AM


    With that attitude? I say no one will bother going to them in less than a month… another guy was so angry when he got up with his wife, the manager was running after him trying to console them!!!!


    Ee looya 3la wala shay… kan m3akom wa7da m3aha jan6a LV written on it bel fesforee???



    Re7taw wella radaitaw ur still a rest. in a Food court!
    Fa loyat il reservations malha da3ee

    Especially inah kil il 6awlat ma7jooza o mako a7ad… o no one came for a looooooooooooooooong time …

    O with my own eyes the guys next to me took the reserved table just because the man sweet talked them!!!!

    o shino y3ni hal model? il chef choses il dessert? Akhaf bs il chef james martin o ana madry?!?!?!?!?


    Ana re7t lah laman kan ma7ad ye3rfah kan fine o tharb
    Now kobar ras.hom o moooooogaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    Fa itha intay min il noo3 ile yetnarfaz la itro7een lohom. Ma yeswa il mawthoo3 3la 3aish o marag!

    Lo ana bel bait imsawya 3eesh bajela o shbent o maraq sabze a7sn li… not that i know how to make maraq sabzi though
    la o 7a6een feeh red kidney beans o mako bo6a6… ako marag sabze bedon b6a6?


    3ad ana bel emails 3nd wayhich… lakin their site doesnt work o mako email for lenotre… we were looking for a comment card wella mako

    Apparently they are sooo assured of their service there is no need for comments!!!!


    La kobar ras.hom… shafaw il za7ma o il awadm ma hamhom… il nass ityeehom zorafat zorafat o they are simply being turned away o il tables empty!!!

    O ham il tables empty o ham bad service! 3yal lo chock full chan shloon?!?!??!

    If you want to waste a whole day min il 1-5 sitting there eating 3aish o marag go!

    Eshdaranee… lo makhzeen lena Pizza Min nolita take away chan ahwan!!!! Chan ma tha3 yom il saturday 3lena…


    La mo allah yesalmich kint bashoof akhrat.ha wyahom shino??? a36ehom chance…

    6l3 ma yn3a6oon chance!!!! El sharha 3lay ana ile ga3da…


    It is a nice place. It does have nice food. It did have potentional
    Lakin allah yehadahom if they keep going on like this?

    No one will come to them !!!!


  12. I was there this past weekend…we waited 30 minutes to be seated although I was told the wait time is only 10 minutes! 15 minutes after we were seated someone came to take our orders….the drinks came inlong after the food came in….My food had no taste…20 minutes for our bill and once the lady brought it she asked if wanted our free tea and desert! we ere like sure bring it! the table next to us got their tea way before we did…and our tea was cold and very black aka strong…

    we left! I guess I am not going back either


  13. What a bad experience ! Service is so important in these type of resturants and these guys broke every rule in the book ! If Gordon Ramsey was there he’d be putting his hand just below his chin and say “That’s it ! I’ve had a gutfull !!”


  14. Basically el comments eli gabli galaw eli knt bagola 😛 As to where i have been in the past couple of weeks, i wish i could say i was in london… bas 7ashatni ‘6roof sa3ba walla, Allah la ywareech eli shefta bhal couple of weeks.. el7amdelah 3ala kel 7al… 7a6a london pic as my phones wallpaper e9aberni 😛 76 days to go!


  15. Posted by Daddy's Girl on April 5, 2009 at 9:59 AM


    Lo itshofeen il zaffa ile yatne yom gelt i want a table for 2!!!
    Inah it’s 1:30 7azat il ‘3ada o no reservation?! How dare u?

    Inzain il 6awlat kilha fathya!!!!! o ilee beyekom mara7 yelage parking aslan cause it’s all full!!!!!!!!!

    Every one has been having such a miserable time eating there!!! 3la shino?!?!?!? bafham hal mooga 3la shino?!?!?!

    ishwayat 3aish o marag!!????


    LoooL no he won’t just put his hand below his chin… he would whip out an avalanche of profeneties at this level of service… or lack of it for that matter!!!!


    Ya b3d 3mry walla we miss you :*

    3sa insha2 allah every thing is all right now?!?!??!?!
    Did u try ilee ismah Rice?!?!?!

    76 days…looong way to go bs yalla ‘3ameth fate7 o bam ur there insha2 allah 😀


  16. My experience was really really good. I tried it once though, and was thinking of going again soon! But this isnt encouraging at all :-S


  17. Posted by Daddy's Girl on April 5, 2009 at 9:08 PM


    Ee i recall u saying their service was really good!!!

    Madry ish sar fehom??? Mo bs bad… laaa bad 3la mogaa… inah ya3jebkm ya3jebkom ma y3jbkom il bab yosa3 jamal!!!!

    Though the food is good… it is really not worth the attitude…


  18. Posted by shamayel on April 5, 2009 at 9:54 PM

    lol ufff just reading this pissed me off !


  19. yaw3ona akthar ;p


  20. Posted by Daddy's Girl on April 5, 2009 at 11:59 PM


    Imagine our state when we left… so cranky and angry!!!

    أحمد الحيدر

    و الله اليوع أهون من هالمعاملة السيئة
    أنا ما كسر خاطري إلا الحجية المسكينة اللي لعبوا فيها إهي و بنتهاا


  21. Not pleased with what happened to you guys.

    a round of applause for keeping it classy.


  22. Posted by Daddy's Girl on April 7, 2009 at 9:33 AM


    Shokran shokran *applauding for her self*

    La it was miserable funny you know? The kind that makes u so frustrated u want to laugh with tears in ur eyes???


  23. واي الله يعينكم

    وانا اقر البوست تنرفزت

    اكره المطاعم اللي جذي
    حدهم اي شي


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