The Apple Tablet coming March 2010?!!? I WANT!

I love tablet computers. I have an HP tablet PC that i am quite fond of. Now a Tablet by Apple?  Ihe Ultimate GIZMO of 2o1o and for less than $1000?! R you for real!? I CANT wait! I heard that it is going to be out sometime in September 2010… but I just read this from here

“The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple will be announcing their Tablet (iSlate, iPad, iTablet) this January 27th or 28th and should be ready for shipping in March”

Eeeh elee bel jeder ye6al3ah el melas! Mini lain 27 Jan ay9er khair… I CANT WAIT!

7 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Summer on January 8, 2010 at 3:59 PM

    I want one!! it looks so cool!!
    welcome back!;)


  2. actually i’m really not a fan of Apple products!! to be honest i hete apple! but this one for real going to be my thing and goal for 2010 if only they use their OS and can modified to windows 7 if possible. i’m using the new Archos 9 tablet now which just recieved it befor 2 weeks check it out

    but i’m ready to step down from my Ego for Apple product for this one.


  3. rumors has it they will pronounce it on the 27th of January. Or the Macworld Expo in February.

    We will wait and see


  4. Posted by Gina2010 on January 8, 2010 at 7:37 PM

    Cool 🙂


  5. Posted by Q80BOY on January 8, 2010 at 8:03 PM

    that looks like a gigantic iPhone!

    i LIKE! 😀


  6. That looks awesome!


  7. Based on the recent history of the iPhone, i won’t go out and buy the first tablet. I’m gonna wait for the product to improve and the price to drop. Apples frequent to make changes to their products so I won’t have to wait very long. I’d luv to know many people had buyers guilt after going to purchase the first edition


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